Thursday, December 18, 2008

End of the semester

It's been a long time since I've blogged. Hard to get back into what was once a habit. Plus, I've been busy.

I took a few minutes to reflect on the semester on the walk home from my last final. It was a quick semester with no major trauma. I turned 21. I did a lot of work. That was sort of it. I blew off too much work though. I need to start focusing more. But it is what it is. I've been learning to not focus on things I can't change anymore. So I'm working on next semester. My goals are the same as they were for last semester.

1. Be more organized
2. Not procrastinate
3. Keep my room clean

I figure, if I keep setting the same goals, one day I'll achieve them.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

You set my soul alight

I've neglected this. I've been lazy with it like I am with everything in my life. I wish I had some sort of drive to work hard. I had 3 papers to write and a book to read over break, and I barely wrote a fourth of a paper and didn't touch the book. 

Let's discuss the fact that I love being stalked.

I saw Twilight over break. Hated it the first time, loved it the second. It's pretty fabulous. I also saw High School Musical 3 twice, for a grand total of 4 times.

Yes I am 21, thanks for asking.

I'm also really into the Twilight soundtrack, it's a weird mix, but it's good.

Monday will either be fabulous or horrible. Getting a bunch of stuff back in classes. On a positive note, it looks like an A in human sex is totally possible, I have like, a 93 now. I was hovering at a 90.5 for awhile. 

Monday, November 10, 2008


Reading Sylvia Plath inspired me today to write. My personal journal has become somewhat of a confessional. I scribbled down notes in the middle of the building, with people and professors walking by. It was liberating in a sense. I don't want to be anyones stereotype. People see one aspect of me and extrapolate it to be all of me. I don't think that's fair. Sylvia plath was such a whiny teenager, all she can talk about is her lack of boyfriend. Except she goes on dates all the time. 

Friday, November 7, 2008


I feel inspired to go to the library and find poetry books. Reading poetry in high school was always a pain in the ass because they made you dissect it to death and read things they thought were important. I'm much more interested in the feeling poetry gives, in the emotions and the imagery and the nature of it all. Now that I'm olde and removed from the Mrs Decapuas of the world, I' m more into reading it for the sake of reading it. I would also like to try writing some creative writing. 

Today was such a meh day. Tonight is such a meh night. Just watching bridal shows and wallowing. I read in a book that wearing a veil means you're a virgin. Who knows if that actually has meaning to anyone else. 

I bought a new coat today. I think I like it, but I don't think I love it. It was on sale for $50, but I don't think I love it. We'll see. 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

About me

My name is Julie, I'm 21, and I'm currently going to school in Ohio. I've been blogging for 6 years, but I see this blog as a chance to start fresh. I'm a junior psychology major, leaning towards school psych.

Now that all the formalities are out of the way, let's get down to it. I'm obsessed with fashion, psychology, and television. That's where the url of the blog comes from. Today's topic is psychology. I'm super pumped because my friend and I just got an internship with our schools academic skills center. We get to do academic counseling, which is just helping people figure out how to study. But it sounds official and will look fabulous on a resume. Plus, it will be so good for school psychology. I can hardly wait to start!